
Who are we

The first version of this manifesto is the result of a collaborative writing « sprint » held at exploration space at the Austrian Academy of Sciences on 23-24 October 2019 in Vienna, co-funded by the projects exploreAT!, PROVIDEDH and a dedicated DARIAH-EU theme grant. It reflects the discussions, agreements, views and perspectives during a content co-creation process by a diverse invited group of people who engaged in the first version of this document. Participants were mainly scientists working in areas related to the fields of biology, linguistics, DH, sustainability, sociology, design, education, the arts and computer sciences; representing all sectors, politics, education, economy as well as citizens next to science. We met and worked together during two days sharing complementary knowledge from the fields of biology, linguistics, humanities, sustainability, sociology, design and computer sciences. As participants we were representing different institutions as academic researchers, practitioners and cultural activists with procedences from Austria, Brasil, El Salvador, France, Germany, India, Mexico, Portugal, Spain, Sweden. We reflect here the results of the manifesto sprint after a second stage of online writing and collaboration open to more participants. 

Figure 1: « Do-It-Yourself accreditation” badge as given to participants.

Figure 2: Collaborative reading and discussion on previous manifestos.

Figure 3: Participants working in small groups, next to the previous shared diagram.

Figure 4: Reading and commenting on large format printed versions of the manifesto.

Figure 5: One of the moments of discourse analysis visualization on the manifesto draft.


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